88Buddha app for iPhone and iPad

4.0 ( 7760 ratings )
Lifestyle Education
Current version: 1.0, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 10 May 2017
App size: 376.09 Mb

This is a application to help our busy city dwellers practice the 88 Buddha Repentance Ceremony. The user can make use of this application and spend only 15 minutes off their busy lives to follow the 88 Buddha Repentance Ceremony (Video in application). From this practice, they will gain great benefits and enjoy a peaceful and fruitful life.

Recitation of Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen, or the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance in English, is one of the greatest repentance sutras. By reciting it, you are sincerely seeking the help of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including Guan Yin Bodhisattva to repent and cease karmic obstacles due to negative karmas from the past and present lives. Some of its great powers include: repenting negative karmas created during past and present lives; seeking forgiveness from someone you have hurt in past relationships; resolving long-term conflicts; and repenting inappropriate actions such as being disrespectful to Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, or damaging statues or images of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas.

1) Beautiful images of 88 buddha & Amitābha - You can select to view each and every one of the 88 buddha and observe the holy image of the buddha, which can bring peace and happiness to your soul.
2) In-App video of the 88 Buddha Repentance ceremony to allow user to follow through the ceremony even if you do not have access to the internet.
3) Clear concise listing of all the benefit of the 88 Buddha Repentance ceremony to help user increase their understanding of the benefits and confidence of following the 88 Buddha Repentance ceremony.
4) Full text of the 88 Buddha Repentance to allow user to read, whenever they feel like reading.

至诚礼拜八十八佛,最为殊胜,最为简便,亦最常用,极易感应,得见瑞相,身心轻安,足以证明,罪灭障除,堪可进功,修行办道。是故古德大善知识,将之列入早晚课诵。从“普光佛”到“一切法常满王佛”,这五十叁尊佛号,出自《佛说观药王药上二菩萨经》中。经云:“若有善男子,善女人,及余一切众生,得闻是五十叁佛名者,是人於百千万亿阿僧祇劫,不堕恶道。若复有人,能称是五十叁佛名者,生生之处,常得值遇十方诸佛。若复有人,能至心敬礼五十叁佛者,除灭四重五逆及谤方等( 谤佛经),皆悉清净。以是诸佛本誓愿故,於念念中,即得除灭如上诸罪。”尸弃如来、毗舍浮如来、拘留孙如来、拘那含牟尼如来、迦叶如来,亦赞是五十叁佛名,亦复赞叹,善男子,善女人,能闻是五十叁佛名者,能称名者,能敬礼者,除灭罪障。” 释迦牟尼佛所以与贤劫千佛出兴於世,与往昔末法闻是五十叁佛名大有关系,所以在本经中亦作是言:“尔时,释迦牟尼佛,告大众言:我
曾往昔,无数劫时,於妙光佛末法之中,出家学道,闻是五十叁佛名,闻已合掌,心生欢喜,复教他人,令得闻持,他人闻已,展转相教,乃至叁千人,此叁千人,异口同音,称诸佛名,一心敬礼,以是敬礼诸佛因缘功德力故,即得超越无数亿劫生死之罪。其千人者,花光佛为首,下至毗舍浮佛,於庄严劫,得成为佛,过去千佛是也。此中千佛者,拘留孙佛为首,下至楼至如来,於贤劫中次第成佛。后千佛者,日光如来为首,下至须弥相,於星宿劫中当得成佛。佛告宝积,十方现在诸佛,善德如来等,亦曾得闻是五十叁佛名故,於十方面各皆成佛。” 现在千佛,未来千佛,皆因称诵,恭敬礼拜五十叁佛,而早成佛。


4) 八十八佛大忏悔文, 让众生可随时随地读忏悔文